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Scroll below to view all of the over 100 Official Selections, Awards, and Honors earned by Limitless Films, Barry Worthington, and Collaborators for the films.
Please refer to this IMDb page for information regarding the films and their team members.

Limitless Films, LLC

Founded in 2010 by filmmaker Barry Worthington, Limitless Films, LLC is an international award-winning small independent film production company. The company is based in the multiculturally rich community of the greater Gaithersburg, Maryland area,  where Worthington first picked up a camera at age six and never stopped. Today, the work of Limitless Films, Barry Worthington, and Collaborators has pushed beyond borders, crafting meaningful films that have earned over 140 Official Selections, Awards, and Honors from film festivals, audiences, and organizations around the world. We look forward to sharing these films with you!


The films have reached from Gaithersburg High School’s auditorium in 2005 to venues like the Anthology Archives in New York City, to film festivals as far away as India, and to Hollywood icons like the TCL Chinese Theater.

In addition to filmmaking, Barry Worthington serves as Director on select episodes of White House Chronicle on PBS and other television programming as well as video production. Additionally, he served as the Festival Director for the relaunch of the Film Crash Film Festival in Los Angeles in 2014 and has served as a festival judge and PitchFest panelist at the Women and Minorities in Media Festival, and has given talks about film at various organizations.


Worthington also blends filmmaking and education, starting when he was still in High School in 2005 at age 16, serving as a Teacher Apprentice to one of his earliest mentors for an English Speakers of Foreign Languages course. The course utilized film as a means of understanding and uniting cultures. Since 2014, beginning when he was 26 years old, he has served as an adjunct professor at his alma mater of Towson University for film pre-production, production, and post-production courses, film theory courses, the relationship of film, media, society, history, and culture courses, as well as supervising student internships. Worthington has also served as an adjunct film/art professor at Howard Community College beginning in 2016. Beginning Spring 2020, he has taught filmmaking at Montgomery College, close to his hometown community. Beginning 2021, he has taught film production, screenwriting, pre-production and post-production courses at American University.


He earned his Bachelor of Science Degree in Electronic Media and Film from Towson University in 2010, studied Directing at UCLA Extension for a semester in 2013 , and earned his Master of Fine Arts degree in Film and Electronic Media from American University in May of 2018. He was also among the first Directing, Producing, filmmaking, and business cohorts of Sundance Collab beginning in early Spring of 2020.

Collaborators on Bummer.jpg

Above: Bummer collaborators during an early production meeting. From left: Marili Mejias playing “Marcia”, Assistant Director Mitra I. Arthur, Cinematographer and Director of Photography Michelle Hernandez, Filmmaker, Writer and Director Barry Worthington, Producer Richie Wenzler, and Hope Perry playing “Michelle”.

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Above: Filmmaker and Founder of Limitless Films, Barry Worthington.

Photo Credit: Marcella Lasslett

Since 2010, we have had the honor to have our films selected into film festivals around the world, connecting with an international and multicultural audience. This map illustrates just some of those festivals in the whole world. 

Lures from the Light (2023)

LAFA24 SF vector copy.png
LAFA 2024 Lures from the Light Official Selection.jpg
Beige Official Selection Pinnacle Film Awards 2024 for Lures from the Light.jpg
Lures from the Light Diamond Award for Best Short Film at Mindfield Film Festival Albuquer
Beige Official Selection DMV International Film Festival 2024.jpg

Mirror Mind (2023)

LAFA23 QF vector.png
Redo Mirror Mind Nominee Director Short Film Barry Worthington LAFA 2023.jpg
Mirror Mind Nominee Actor Barry Worthington LAFA 2023.jpg

Prove (2022)

Prove Official Selection Palm Beach Film Festival.jpg
Gold Awards Paris Film Awards 2023 for Prove.jpg
Official Selection Laurel for Prove at Paris Film Awards 2023.jpg
LAFA23 SF vector.png
LAFA23 QF vector.png
Bummer Film Fest Accolades Anchor
Tokyo Film Awards with Drop Shadow.jpg
11th Mumbai Shorts International Film Festival 2022 Certificate of Excellence beige.jpg
beige and black laurel Official Selection for Prove 11th Mumbai Shorts International Film

Bummer (2018)

Bummer Exceptional Merit WRPN Women's In
4th Indian World Film Festival 2020 Cert
Laurel Honorable Mention Best Young Actr
Laurel Official Selection Bummer SFAAF C
Laurel Bummer WINNER Best Indie Short Fi
Official Selection 4th Indian World Film
Laurel Best Lead Actress in a Short Film
8th Delhi Shorts International Film Fest
Bummer 8th Delhi Shorts 2019 beige.jpg
Marili Mejias LIFA.jpg
Hope Perry LIFA.jpg
Barry Worthington LIFA.jpg
LAFA laurel Bummer 2019 Winner Best Youn
LAFA laurel Bummer 2019 Winner Best Actr
LAFA Semi-Finalist vector.png
Beige laurel OS Northeast Mountain Film
LAFA laurel Bummer 2019 Honorable Mentio
LAFA laurel Bummer 2019 Honorable Mentio
Promo Hope Perry Best Young Actress Winn
Promo Marili Mejias Best Actress Winner
Promo Michelle Hernandez Best Cinematogr
Promo Barry Worthington Best Director at
Promo Bummer Best Drama Short Film Winne
Promo Richie Wenzler Best Producer Honor
Official Selection Rosarito Internationa
Golden State Film Festival beige.png
Maryland International Film Festival 201
Bummer Short Cinemfest Official Selectio
Bummer Mindfield Silver Best Short Film.
Bummer Mindfield Albuquerque Barry Worth
Bummer Mindfield Bronze Michelle Hernand
Bummer Mindfield Gold Marili.png
Bright and Gold 2018 Alexandria Film Fes
Bummer Mindfield Albuquerque just laurel
Official Selection Aphrodite Film Awards
Bummer Semi Finalist Best Fiction Short
Bummer Hollywood Forever Film Festival O
Winner Short Cine Fest 2018 Best Comedy
Official Selection United States Film Fe
Bummer Best US Short Film at United Stat
Official Selection Global Film Festival
Bengal's International Short Film Festiv
Bummer Motion Picture Film Award Nominee
Official Selection Cinema on the Bayou b
Official Selection First City Film Festi

Corrosion (2017)

Corrosion Best Sci Fi NYC Indie Film Awa
Corrosion Platinum Award Delano Walters
Corrosion Platinum Award Best Score NYC
Corrosion Best Cinematography NYC Indie
Corrosion GOLD Award best Editing NYC In
Corrosion best Visual FX NYC Indie Film
Corrosion Bronze Award Best Director NYC
OS Kolkata laurel for Corrosion.png
Corrosion UFVA.png
LAFA best sound design corrosion.png
Kolkata Shorts Certificate of Excellence
Francis Victus Accolades Anchor

The Infinitely Generous

Francis Victus (2016)

The Infinitely Generous Francis Victus S
Jury Award Nominee North Beach American
Director's Awards Barry Worthington.png
Kolkata Shorts Certificate of Excellence
Official Selection North Beach American
Francis Victus WINNER Best Comedy Mexico
PLATINUM Award for Best Cinematography t
BRONZE Award Best Short Film from NYC In
Bayou official selection for francis.png
PLATINUM Award Best Editing to Barry Wor
Official Selection Bucharest ShortCut Ci
Official Selection Chandler for francis.
rails to reels official selection with b
Indie Capitol beige wreath official nomi
Barry GOLD LA Shorts.png
Barry Platinum LA Shorts Better.png
mumbai right color.png
certificate of excellence mumbai for fra
Kolkata shorts for Francis laurel.png
Audience Award Winner North Beach Americ
2017 Laurel White_normal.png
NOVA AC Gold Laurel 2017.png
MIFF no background francis victus.png
GOLD Award for Best Score to Barry Worth
Nominated_-_Best_Ensemble Actors Awards.
Special Festival Mention Noida Francis V
Mumbai certificate excellence DOP.png
SILVER award for Best Director to Barry
winner lafa honorable mention best ensem
Official Selection Noida francis victus
Mumbai certificate excellence barry edit
Francis Official Selection 5th Delhi Sho
FL - JSLFF 2016.png
Bary Silver Editing LA Shorts.png
Francis Victus Winner Best Hollywood Can
Francis Victus Official Selection Canadi
Official Selection La Shorts Awards June
ps Francis Victus official selection Mia
indie fest 2016 done francis award of re
Best shorts competition wreath for franc

Sponge (2014)

FWIFS my wreath.png
IndieFest 2015 wreath.png
SCCFF 2015 for sponge.png
Cinema on bayou wreath photoshop.png
newfilmmakers new york fall 2015 wreath
iron pointe my wreath.png

Tanzanite (circa 2014)

DSO Film Festival april 2016 done (0;00;
12 months film festival 2016 wreath done

Hollywood Trash (2013)

nyc wreath 2014.jpg
indie fest on black.png
skyfest on black 1.png
LA wreath delete black.png

Kin (2011)

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 12.02.34
Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 12.02.56
Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 12.02.11

River Haven (2010)

Screen Shot 2014-05-01 at 12.03.10

© Barry Worthington, Limitless Films, LLC

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